Monday, January 26, 2015


                                                                               Fashion Blogger Cassandra Ikegbune SAYS "Hey'yal! So we didn't exactly make so much noise about this but recently a couple of bloggers myself included put together a fashion day out picnic for creatives to basically network, talk about challenges we face, learn a couple of new things from each other and of course have fun while at it.
It was held at a really nice park ( Kernel Park) off bode thomas in Surulere.
The dress code was "Eccentric Retro" so I was really looking forward to seeing the different ways people will play around with vintage pieces and give it a little edge.
Everyone coming also had to bring something for the table and I had a good time watching people walk in and trying to guess what they had with them. I was pleasantly surprised though! There were lots of cakes and so much other stuffs to nibble on and we had left overs to go home with

The best part for me was one of the activities where they had to form groups, pick up some materials and create an outfit from it. So in case you were wondering what was going on in those pictures up there, No! it wasn't a "who crase pass" competition, that was each group bringing on their inner fashion designer".

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