Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Some weeks back, i was at a friend's place and we decided to knock some noodle's up. So he went to a shop nearby and got some noodles and of course, eggs.

On opening the eggs when it was time to introduce it, a certain turbidity was what he first noticed and when he called my attention, we both agreed the egg was spoilt.

So i stumbled on this informative read on foodsng.com and decided to share so you don't have to waste your time and money of course or worse still, pour spoilt egg in your noodles as in my case.

1. The Shake shake test!
You have to be careful when doing this when you are buying in some markets if you don’t want to receive showers of abuses from the sellers. With this test you just need to take some samples randomly from the crates and shake lightly. When you do that, you can tell if the content are still very viscous or gone watery.
I usually don’t take the watery ones because I believe it is an indication they have been around for a longer period, even if they are not spoilt yet.
Another important thing to do when using this method, is to make sure you select your samples randomly. This is to make your samples representative of the whole lot. Take from front, middle and back — you know sellers can mix fresh ones with the not-so-fresh ones.

2. The Egg-in-Water Test or The Float Test
This test cannot be performed in the market. I doubt if any seller would allow you perform this test on eggs before you purchase them. So, this is only suitable for checking egg freshness at home. You might want to ask, “why do I need this test after buying?”
Okay, let us say you want to fry 3 eggs or mix an egg with other ingredients like flour to make cake or something, you have to be sure each egg is fine. What if you have cracked and mixed two fine eggs together and the third one you crack inside turns bad? You have wasted 3 eggs!
Fill a bowl with cold water and place your eggs in the bowl and allow them to stay for some seconds. Then observe how the eggs behave in the water. There are three possibilities.

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